Saturday, July 01, 2006

Superman Returns

Yes, indeedy he sure does. A good rendition of the Chrisover Reeve movies - fun and light, if a little too long. Kevin Spacey is brilliant as Lex Luthor. I won't rabbit on about the movie here. Only two things - firstly, I give it 3.5 stars, and secondly, drop over to planet telex, where there is a discussion paper on the movie, and a the first teasers for Spiderman 3...

(ah yes, a darker superhero after my own heart...)


Anonymous said...

Was this reviewer watching the same movie we were?

Superman Returns
In this new sequel, Superman returns to Earth after having been missing for six long years. What he finds astounds him — the world he knew has changed for the worse. In his absence, the forces of evil have regrouped like never before. Even Lex Luthor, once an outcast, has risen to the heights of power in Metropolis. And when an old enemy from Krypton reappears, Superman must fight his battle against evil like never before, amidst a world that has forgotten what it's like to have a hero.

ninemsn Movies film critic Kerry Bashford says: "Brandon Routh doesn't just look like he was born to play this role — he looks like he was genetically engineered to do so. He is so perfect he looks painted into the picture. Every other actor that passes the camera deserves to be there too ..."
Read Kerry's full review

Cinema review rating: 8/10
Duration: 154 minutes
Genre: Action/adventure
Director: Bryan Singer
Cast: Brandon Routh, Kevin Spacey, Kate Bosworth, James Marsden, Eva Marie-Saint
Classification: M

An old enemy from Krypton? Did I miss that? And the Lex Luther commentary? Hmmm.

Anonymous said...

ahhhhh yes, and the movie answered one of the longest lived and as yet ananswered questions in the world...

if superman was to have sex with lois she WOULD survive!!!