Thursday, July 27, 2006

Anti War Public Liturgy

"A reframing and reordering of the way the world is perceived"

How arrogant does that sound? How embarassing did it feel?

But as I read the news every morning, yet more rockets and still more deaths. How can I stay still with this current story that tucks me away so safely is Sleepy Hollow?

"Love is more than happiness child,
Life is more than living till you die."

We believe that to honour the lives of those who have fallen in war, is to re-member their story in ways that will never allow us to engage in such violence again.


1 comment:

dw said...

i only hope that our remembering isn't so selective that we re-create our own selective memory...

one of the things that hits me within the telling of Australia's history is just how selective our corporate memory is... both by whats present and whats absent.

mateship and volience
courage and fear
honour and suffering
pride and death

in our remembering, lest we forget the hidden stories... for those who faced invasion in the name of the Crown. for the honesty to say that in suffering war cannot be glorified, nor give birth to a national identity... (at least not an identity to which i subscribe)

lest we forget...
forgive us lord, we have fogotten.