Monday, June 05, 2006

looking at myself

I took this down after some wise people wondered about the violence in the image. I guess I'm putting it back up as a way of saying, it's not violence at all. To me there's a searching going on, a sense of looking closely at what most impacts on me. Yes, it reflects a certain amount of turmoil and grief - but not in an out of control way, just looking through bloodshot eyes.

It was taken a few weeks ago, (just before Mike died) - so perhaps its helpful to say its not where I'm at now.

But mostly I just enjoy the photo. Melodramatic? Me? never...


Andrew said...

thanks liliana, I liked the pic for those sorts of reasons myself. I find it too easy to think about the global issues in abstract words - but to use an image grabs the emotion and weight far more for me.

Anonymous said...

Thats a baaaaaaaaad case of conjunctivitus