Wednesday, June 07, 2006

East Timor Update

There seems to be several things driving the unrest in East Timor - regional split between the East and West in the civil and military services; conflict between President Xanana Gusmao and Prime Minister Mari Alkatiri; basic looting and slow economic change. But as you can read here, perhaps what is most disappointing is the manner in which some are using the disturbances to settle old scores. The UN Commission for Reception, Truth and Recconciliation has had its offices looted, and files on old crimes from the 1999 civil war are dissappearing. It's no longer your basic looting when groups of people turn up with trucks to take a number of computers, files and evidence. And yet our Australian troops are not allowed to act on this? I wonder what will come out in the wash about this time?

How does a country overcome such a history of brokenness and violence?

If you're interested, there's a good background article on the current situation from The Guardian here.

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