Monday, May 29, 2006

new kids on the block

Skip the planet for a week or so and everyone decides to get a blog! So welcome to the new players on the block:

Diamond Ray Hickson
- for all the latest in movies, horse racing and faith... (yes, that is an odd mix, but once you've met Ray it all makes sense. Sort of)

Liliana - for all your literary reminders, feminist musings and pop culture deconstructions. Just don't mention the PhD.

Sarah Williamson - inspiration, photography, prayers and music. Balm for a sore soul.

and of course, Shoothead - the new blog by Lee Cullivan - journaling his leap from corporate life into the world of professional photography.

So that should keep you all reading for a while. Just remember to drop back into urbanstone now and then - normal transmission to resume soon.

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