The UK government has released the "
Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change". I have to admit to being quite surprised by the honesty of an official report to outline the immediate environmental future that faces our world. It outlines not just the usual disastrous environmental consequences but also the economic, social and cultural consequences.
However, since you're all busy tracking down your top 5 shithouse movies, there's a nice short summary of the reviews main points
here. It is worth the few minutes that it will take you to read, as this is the sort of planning that Australia desperately needs to engage with.
1 comment:
I just won a book called "365 ways to change the world". when asked what it's about, all I could say was it's a hippy/greeny book.
It arrived yesterday, and it's actually pretty good.
A tip a day, like checking out 3rd world debt sites, buying fairtrade coffee, plant a tree, and so on. Each article covers only one page, so my attention span is kept (like my 5 craphouse movies). Enough information to whet the appetite, with links and contact details for further reading.
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