Monday, July 18, 2005

Captain Smollet for role in new Joyce Blockbuster!

Inside sources close to Rod Joyce, director of the much anticipated blockbuster - "Xena the Sepik Princess", have announced the Captain Smollett (pictured right) is being screen tested for a role! Rumours have suggested various posssible characters from Fashion guru to tea cosy tester - but the smart money is on Smollett to play himself in a cameo appearance driving the Marianville school bus that picks up Xena from her crash landing in Moresby in the final moments of the film.

Director Joyce commented to Urban Stone that this role "would be awesome mate. I love his works". Smollet would only offer the cryptic comment "wobble"? We anxiously await further news.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll treat this as an interview then shall I?

My offical comment is that I will be involved with this film, although my role has not yet been finalised.
My original Comment was actually "I WOBBLE" and for those who aren't good at cryptic comments:

So, If Riss Says I'm in then I'll start rehearsing my croaks, practising my bus reverse parking (I've heard that Opal Fields are good for that) and I have to learn how to swing on a vine apparently...
Sounds like this film could go down the lines of the old phantom comics, maybe I could be "the Frog who walks"
Better get in touch with the Phantom for some tips.
I'll be putting these Ideas in writing to the Director Mr Joyce.

Speaking of Photo Vetos...

Captain Smollett