Sunday, May 27, 2007

Hoodoo broken

The 'woods finally break their 12 year run of losses at the Gabbatoir - despite the best efforts of the white maggots. Beating Brisvane in Brisbane must be one of the greatest feelings in footy (other than a GF or beating "pigs-arse" Carlscum). Like an oasis after 12 longs years of denial, last night would have been magical - unless your name was Bootsy, and at 3 quarter time the call comes through that your daughter is ill and needs you now! Dave your reward must be great in heaven for resuming fatherly duties - or atleast, write this one down for the history books. So that when we're in our 60's at the MCG, Beth knows that she needs to come and ferry us home again - singing victoriously all the way of course.


Anonymous said...

You're understanding of my muted pain in a sea of satisfaction is well worded. I feel so thrilled that we won and I was there, yet unfulfilled as there was not that all-encompassing relief as the siren blows away years of torment.

Oh well - I'm making up for it in the office this morning....

Andrew said...

yes, also had the joy of having some QLD gov reps at the primary school I was working at today. I knew I was doing an appropriate job when even the kids started giving it to them!

Ah the joy. It almost makes up for the dark days of loss.