Monday, March 05, 2007

Portrait #1: smoke

Late last year I was asked to join in a photographic portrait competition with some friends from flickr. The idea being that we would each provide 6 portraits; each of a different subject; each that tells something of the subject's story. So there is no pursuit of glamour for its own sake - but simply, how do you intentionally capture something of the person?

The first set of shots is tentatively entitled "smoke". Geoff Smith is the subject (although Suz pops up in the photos as well) - and the desire was to capture Smithy mid-conversation, late into the evening, with that slightly dishevelled look that he manicures so well!

This photo ("turn away") is from the first batch that I've begun to process. Click on the photo to see the other "smoke" shots that I've done so far. Any comments, criticisms or questions are very welcome!


bootsy said...

just went and saw the full set of photos on your flickr site. Aren't we just the arty farty type! Very post-decadently-modernistically-chic.

Or something like that.

Secondly, Professor - loving the hair. You've lost 10 years my friend and are looking fine!

Anonymous said...


Not just the subject, but the exposure, the depth of field, brilliant.

Subtle, gentle and with just a touch of the homo erotic.

What else does one need?