Thursday, December 21, 2006

5 things

I've been tagged by both Dave and Craig to name 5 things that you probably don't know about me... (only being the ones that I'm willing to admit to)

1. I've had plastic surgery (yes, yes, join the chorus "and you got that face?") - thanks to a mis-timed hook shot that resulted in a smashed cheek bone back in 1996. Still got the scar on the side of my head.

2. I love bodysurfing in the ocean - and love getting dumped by the waves just as much.

3. In 1999 I used to take a day off once a month - wear a suit and spend a day visiting the top hotels in Sydney. I would pretend to be planning a large event, and then be taken into the best function rooms and given a free coffee or drink while the staff ran through the various options. I would sit, nod my head, enjoy my free drink and the best views in Sydney!

4. I love hiking, but I am scared shitless by snakes. (sidenote: one of my dreams is to walk across Scotland)

5. I've spent a night in jail on two separate occasions. The well known one is as a result of a protest against Australian international weapons sales in Canberra back in 1991. The other one, well, that's a conversation best conducted after several glasses of red...

In turn, I tag Jimmy and Ray!

1 comment:

Ray said...

Challenge accepted...
hope Melbourne's going well, have a good Christmas!